Time Management


Can everyone help me with my schedule.

-I work part time. All day Thursday and Friday.

-My husband works ALL day (14 hours) 6 days a week so he can't help. Which fucking sucks. My family can't help either.

-I am taking FIVE classes in business

- I am home ALL DAY alone with my 10 month old. She wakes up around 7:30-8 and goes to sleep 10-12 at night. She takes two naps but nurses to sleep. I don't sleep train so sometimes she needs me for naps.

- I cook/clean/ do everything and I can't find the balance for school work. I can't find time to exercise. This is the 2nd week of school and I am completely overwhelmed.

These classes are not easy and are very time consuming. Should I wake up early before she wakes up to do school work? I have terrible ADD and can't take any medication because I am breastfeeding. When I have so much stuff to do I shut down. I am having a hard time because it's so difficult to find time for myself and school. I find myself saying I will do it the next day but i never do. Now it's Sunday and I have to do al my work in one day. I can not fail. Please organized people help me

MONDAY- wake up early?

TUESDAY- wake up early?

WEDNESDAY- wake up early ?

THURSDAY- Work (1 hr lunch break for lunch and HW)

FRIDAY- WORK (1 hour lunch break for lunch and HW)