HELP: Bad break up, horrible anxiety, no sleep


Me and my boyfriend of 5 years broke up on Tuesday and it's been eating me alive. We broke up because we were having a lot of issues and the fighting got really bad. He said he still loves me and doesn't want the break up to happen but it needs too. He said he can't keep working on our relationship right now because it's stressing him out more than anything. I've been his moral, emotional, physical, and mental support for 5 years. I've been his best friend and girlfriend for so long and I'm hurting so bad. It's causing my anxiety to go crazy and I can't sleep because I hate being alone with my thoughts. I guess I'm asking for help on how to get him to see we can work this out. Maybe take some time apart? I'm giving him his space and I'm not texting him or anything. But I am hurting so bad. Idk what to do right now. Please help.