Relationship advice

Tiffany • William Dalas born September 18,2016.💙👶🏼 Teen Mom. 💕 YouTube: Dalas’ Mommy

I'm at a dark place I guess in life right now. I've just been depressed the past couple of weeks... So my boyfriend just got a new job yesterday. He has been looking for work for months but just wanted to keep looking so he could do what he wanted as a career. Anyways what I kinda tear up about is he isn't excited to see me or our son whenever he gets off. He doesn't really ever get excited about me anymore. Before I had gotten pregnant I was like a Barbie doll. I didn't have any fat or stretch mark, I wasn't "fat", and we were out of the house all of the time. He used to tell me all of them time how beautiful I was and how amazing our relationship was. Now that we had our baby.. I'm not skinny and pretty. My hair is in a bun all the time. I myself don't feel confident and it doesn't help when he doesn't say those things anymore... It's like whenever we have sex, there isn't any fore play or anything to make me feel pretty. Whenever we have sex it's always him wanting it and never me. I don't have any confidence in myself to just take off my clothes and want to do anything if you know what I mean.? I guess this just turned into a rant but I just want him to feel the same way he used to. He doesn't acknowledge me whenever I do do something to myself (make up, straighten my hair). Where did that man go? It hurts my feeling almost every time I try to bring my own confidence up because he was the one who did it for me and I never tried. I could be just how I am now with pajama pants, tank top, no bra with my hair tied in a bun and get called bathe most beautiful girl on earth. Am I overreacting? I've talked to him about it and he just tells me that I'm beautiful no matter what I look like but not in the same way he used to...