Abortion Pill

Hi all. Not sure how many of you are going through this tough decision right now. I figured I would share my story in an effort to be supportive and insightful. So I just had my first baby in April this year. I wasn't really ready and so as a result I made some choices that put me in an uncomfortable situation. Nevertheless I overcame and she is here! I'm working now and saving my money so eventually we can change our situation. Now I made plenty of appointments to get birth control. But I would miss them because I would get tired or something would always come up. I discover a few weeks ago that my period was late and I had morning sickness. I just knew that I was pregnant again. I knew right away what I needed to do. I couldn't bring another baby into the world with nothing. We are doing okay with 1 right now. But having another baby could put a major stress on our relationship, our finances and living situation. I spoke with my partner and luckily he is supportive of everything I do. I set the appointment and let it out of my mind. I knew if I obsessed over it I wouldn't go through with it. Friday was my appointment and I decided to do the medication abortion. The whole time I was nervous and my guilt started raining in. I still continued with the process. The process is very much individual and you can experience it any way. It can be bad and it can be good. It can be hard or it can be a breeze. But remember make sure it's your choice and that you fully accept the decision you make. Don't spend a moment of your time beating yourself up. You have to do what in your heart is best for you and the baby.

Please comment and share your opinions or your stories. I would love to send my support.