What do you think?

So I'm a cna (Certified Nursing Assistant) and I was working the rehab hall which means the residents are pretty much independent I only go in there room if they call. So I was standing around talking to the LPN'S one guy one girl (Licensed Practice Nurse) and as the girl was bent over she goes "I really want to have sex right now" and I go "Did you just say you want to have sex right now?" And she looked over at me and goes "how old are you?" And I go "20" her "How are your hormone not like mine?" Me "I didn't say they weren't high my boyfriend has actually told me no a lot" her "My ex used to tell me no everyday, and I'd tell him that he was lucky because guys would love to be him we did it 4 times a day" guy LPN "just 4 times?" her "That's all he would allow me or it would have been more" she walked away to give a resident their meds. The guy was telling me how that was to much for a guy to nut 4 times a day. I thought it was super inappropriate and when I went out to smoke with another coworker I told her what happened and she was like what a slut and shameing girls for wanted a lot of sex. But it's like shit I get it but I'm not at work with old people wiping ass and getting horny but it shouldn't be frowned upon to want a lot of sex right? idk

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