That moment when you have a dream that feels realistic.

Gabby • Autistic, gamer, book worm hamster mom

Argh! Sometime after I got my first phone,I had a dream about my boyfriend whom I'm in a long distance relationship with as of 2 years. It felt so real so let me spill the beans.

In my dream,I saw him in public irl(and yes,we've seen each other's faces) and I was all shy. I had no idea what to say to him at first as I was speechless. I then looked for him.

Next part of the dream,he was home and in bed. I got into bed with him and I got close to him. Then that's when it happened:he kissed me on the lips. It was so soft and it felt so damn real!

It felt so good considering he was my first kiss. I wanted more so I kissed him and it was amazing. I told him I loved him and that is where the dream ended.

I just wanted to yell "DAMN IT!" when I woke up that morning. I wanted it to last longer. I do wish to meet him irl one day.

Argh,I'm craving his kisses right now!!