I just don't know what to do 😞


I'm a FTM and my son is 6 weeks old, will be 7 weeks on Saturday. He is a very difficult baby - cries/screams almost all of the time that he's awake, sleeps during the day but not at night, and spends very little time awake and alert. I've consulted my Pediatrician and he says it's colic, but that there really isn't much to do and he will eventually grow out of it.

Breastfeeding failed, pumping failed, so he's getting formula. He eats a ton - 4oz every 2 hours during the day and 5-6oz every 3-4 hours at night. Yet he still acts like he's starving - has never refused a bottle. He pees what seems like constantly and has a stool diaper just about with every feeding (~12/day). He spits up quite a bit. The Ped had us try Enfamil Gentlease for a week, but it almost seems like that made him worse so we've gone back to Similiac Pro-Advance, which we were feeding him at first. He rarely shows feeding queues, goes from sleeping to screaming in an instant.

I've tried to establish a bedtime routine to get him in the habit of sleeping at night. We generally try to go to bed around 8-9pm but he will fuss and scream no matter what I do until about 2am. He'll sleep for a couple hours, wake to be changed and fed, will sleep for a couple hours more then will wake up again. I'm getting maybe 4 hours of broken sleep a night.

During the day he used to nap in the rock n play, which at least allowed me to get things done around the house. The past week or so he will only calm down if he's lying directly on top of me as I lay down, stomach to stomach. As soon as I move him he starts screaming. He no longer has interest in the rock n play.

I know babies are supposed to sleep a lot - but we get maybe 1 hour total, if we're lucky, of awake/alert time. I'm really afraid he's not learning or developing properly.

I'm a mess. My husband works nights, sleeps during the day, and is home and awake for about 3 hours every afternoon. so I'm pretty much a single mom during the week. I can't get anything done around the house, and it's getting to the point that I can't even find time to eat or go to the bathroom. I'm supposed to return to work in a month but I have no clue how I'm going to manage that, and unfortunately we need my income so stay at home mom isn't an option. Neither my husband or I have family that lives locally and our close friends all work and have families of their own so there is no one to turn to for help. I feel like I'm crying constantly, I have no clue how I can continue like this, I'm anxious for what the future holds because these first weeks have been so incredibly trying. I hate to say this, but last night I really just wanted to walk away. I didn't, of course. I love my son with all my heart so it kills me to feel this way, but I just don't know what to do anymore.

I've contacted my OB for help with depression, he's prescribed Zoloft but I'm not able to leave the house to get it yet. I'm hoping I can pick it up this weekend.

Sorry this is so long, it's the first I've formulated all that I'm going through into words. Looking for any support or encouragement, would love stories of moms who have dealt with babies like this before and found the light at the end of the tunnel. Many thanks in advance.