Do you think telling little girls that they're pretty hurts their body image later on?

From my personal experience with have Body Dysmorphic Disorder I've realized that being told I was pretty or beautiful when I was younger may have negatively impacted me. I was watching a video today of a girl talking about her experience with BD disorder and she said something similar. I personally feel like people placing so much emphasis on me when I was younger that I was "a pretty girl" "beautiful" put a lot of pressure on me to be that. When my body started going through changes it was hard for to accept them because I felt like I had to fit a standard like a had to perfect like the models in magazines because people told me I was "pretty" so I felt like I needed to be the prettiest. I don't remember at a young age Being told I was smart, or thoughtful, or brave, or anything other than my looks or if I was that always felt less important than being complimented on my looks. It grew for me into a hate towards my appearance especially in specific areas. Do you think that instilling the thought of being "a pretty girl" at a young age in a child's head has a negative impact? What's your experience? How will you raise your daughter(or son) to view themselves?

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