Daycare ?


My son is 3 months now but is really attached to me, I sleep with him everyday all day because as soon as I lay him down it's like he just wakes up. I recently quit my job and decided to go to college full time but now I'm tired of sitting home all day and I'm ready to start working again ( 18 turning 19 so I'm young) well my family doesn't want him in daycare because they don't trust them at his age, also he cries and screams so loud and doesn't stop, I've tried putting him in his bed and letting him cry it out and the longest he's cried so far is 45 mins+ and as soon as I picked him up he stopped and went to sleep, so my family doesn't trust the people in daycare because they don't know what they'll do to him when he doesn't stop crying and plus with the news and a lot of kids dying in daycares they definitely don't want him in one.

I'm trying to get him to stop crying and sleep by himself and stay sleep when you lay him down so maybe daycare can start becoming an option but I don't know what to do..

also he was born prematurely so I did do a lot of skin to skin contact to get his temp up and other things in order to leave the hospital.

Is there anything I can do to get him to sleep by himself and stay sleeping when I lay him down?