I come second to my fiancés job no matter what

My fiancé is a security guard and works long 12 hours shifts 4-5 days a week. He gets every Monday (apart from bank holidays) and Tuesday off, and every other Wednesday. But 9/10 he works them. He does over time on his days off. If his work is desperate for cover he will go in with no hesitation whether we have plans or not. His boss is so used to him saying yes to extra shifts he's the first one he contacts as he knows he won't turn it down. If he hears that someone had taken a day off he will offer to cover their shift.

I'm am very grateful that he's such a hard working man and wants to work but I just never see him. He earns a decent amount for us to live on It's not like we even need the extra money, yes it's nice to have a large pay check come through every month but it's not like we even spend the extra money on us on things for us to do or places to go he just buys silly things or his stupid toys. I'm 27 weeks pregnant with our first child I don't know if I feel like this because of hormones but I feel like he's being selfish and I don't feel like a priority to him. I miss him terribly I see him for tea then he's asleep constantly tired and if he does take a day off hes asleep most of it.

How can I help him realise that not everything is about money and that I need some of his time too for us to just hang out and do nice things because before long this baby will be here and it won't just be us anymore and we will have to consider a baby and it makes me wonder if he will continue this when shes born, because if he does, she won't see him.

Sorry for the long post.