The Good Wife, Mother && Daughter


So I'm a wife and mother first I'm also a daughter and granddaughter(I'm law) ( all of my own grandparents have passed) a fulltime employee and when I find time from being a robot a human being also, my husband's grandmother was diagnosed with cancer 6months ago and now lives in the same city as us(She has no other family here) I'm her go to person for everything I'm happy to help but as of late it's become too much pressure to take care of her house and my own her bills shopping and getting her to social events (which consists of her sitting under the pavilion of her apartment building with neighbors) and getting her back to her apartment. My husband is now a fulltime student and so is our five year old we have one car I have to get them back and forth to school and find to rest for work and cook clean and help grandmom she does all of her business in a town that's hour away so around this time of the month(which is also AF time) im extremely steched thin. To make matters worst my own mother is now not doing well her colonoscoy came back positive for something she hasn't revealed yet and is going for a second opinion Thursday my own siblings do not live in Virginia so now I have to prepare for whatever she made be suffering with and the possibility of caring for her alone as well I'm extremely stressed and have no idea what I am or are going to do i just know my life has become to much I'm only 26 I haven't navigated my own life and now it feels like I have the weight of the world and everyone I love in it is on my shoulders