I feel crazy. 😩

Michelle 💙 • Happily married 💑 GKB 6/5/19 💙 #2 due 1/15/22 💜🤱🏻Registered Nurse 👩🏻‍⚕️

So I took Clomid 50mg CD 3-7 and ovulated CD 17 (confirmed by blood work). I'm having symptoms I've never had before but I'm not sure if it's caused by the Clomid because I've never taken it before. I'm having pretty bad breast tenderness. Like even rubbing up against something is irritating. I have acne which I usually don't have. I'm extremely irritable and I'm pretty sure my poor husband is thinking I'm nuts. And I've also been cramping like crazy the last couple days. I'm on CD 25 currently and I'm afraid to test. Has anyone had these symptoms and been pregnant?