Mucus Plug Story

I'm 17w4d and have had no kind of discharge whatsoever up until last night. I went per and when I wiped, a HUGE glob of mucus was on the toilet paper. I wiped again and the exact same thing happened. There was no blood, no contractions, and my water did not break. I tried to put it to the back of my mind and not worry about it but ended up going to the ER anyway just to make sure everything was alright. First, they did a fetal doppler to check her heart rate and it was sitting at a beautiful 150 😍. Next, she did a pelvic exam to check my cervix but we found out that it's retroflexed so she could barely even feel it, much less SEE it, but she did say that it was a bit softer than she wanted it. She swabbed me, and then sent in a sonographer to do an abdonimal AND transvaginal US so that she could measure my cervix to make sure that it hadn't thinned out any. My cervix was 3.5 inches (which she said was normal because every woman is different), it was closed up tight (which means it wasn't my mucus plug) I got to see little lady again! She was so comfy in there 😂. My swabs finally came back to reveal I had a small case of bacterial vaginosis, which had caused the softening of my cervix. I had zero symptoms before this diagnosis so I was definitely blown away. Haha. I've also never had it before getting pregnant. And just in case anyone is confused, bacterial vaginosis is NOT an STD. It's essentially a yeast infection but a really aggressive one that can bring on preterm labor. But baby was fine and I'm being treated so we should be doing even better by the end of the week. So glad that my instincts told me to go get checked out! Just wanted to share so that anyone who thinks their mucus plug has fallen out too early, can hear a positive story and not a bunch of women telling them "You're going into labor. Go to the hospital. It's way too early." 😒