No more fun for years....

Sorry this might be a long novel....... My husband and I have been TTC for 6 years now. Yea I know, holy shit...... At first it was fun. But then the medications, tests, seeing three doctors, semen analysis, IUIs, stuff getting taken out of me, stuff put into me and taking pictures...... Needless to say, I hate this whole process. Then to top it all off the fertility specialist that we have been seeing have told us that I have PCOS and that I get to take metformin and that I'll be begging him to take me off of it because I'm tired of getting pregnant. Yea, no, that didn't happen. I've been on these for about 10 months, and a steroid for the same amount of time. I have had a couple times I thought I was going to have a BFP but ended with depression and losing my faith all together. Then if that isn't the last thing on my mind, one of my friends and her husband said they were only going to try for a couple months to have a baby because she didn't want to miss out on a friend's bachelorette party and boom she got knocked up that next month! She wanted nothing to do with this child and now she's acting like she's mother of the fucking year!!!! And then tells me that I should just stop trying and let it happen like she did. What really pisses me off is that I make sure that I take care of my body and mind (kinda not so much lately for the mind part, hence the post). I work out, I have been smoke free for years, I eat right and take vitamins and my medications and never miss a dose. While she is obese, smokes, drinks, and used to be addicted to drugs. But she's not the only one who's lucky as far as getting knocked up when they are destroying their body. My brothers wife just found out that they are 6 weeks along with their second child and she's not planning on stopping smoking cigarettes or weed while she's pregnant. And my family wanted to keep it a secret from me. I don't know if this is going to help me feel better but it just seems like I'm fighting a losing battle and I can't stand losing. Next month the husband and I get to take a class on IUIs with injectables and apparently the class is mandatory. So there goes another cycle of not trying.