My birth story! (Almost 3 months late...😳)


It was about 11am-ish, three days before Kari's due date. Mind you, we'd been trying desperately to get her out for about a week then. I'd about had it by 39 weeks. My SI joint felt like someone had taken a pry bar to it and I was miserable. My husband, good humoured as always, made whale noises on the regular. (No offense taken, he was just being funny...though I swear that's why our baby makes noises that sound suspiciously whale-like...) Alright, next few sentences or so are TMI so feel free to skip. You've been warned. We had sex pretty much every day for a week straight. It always ended with me being miserable with Braxton Hicks for a day and then nothing. We thought that baby would never come. Lo and behold, three days before her due date, we did the deed and my water broke. We weren't even sure if that was what happened. It just got reeaaalllyyy wet all of a sudden. There was literally a puddle on my husband. I shit you not, he says, "Are you sure you're not just super wet?" Bruh. Come on. So I humor him and put a pad on after he finishes and we go to the mall to walk it out. Well, I keep soaking though pads. And it looks like amniotic fluid. So we ring the midwives and they say to come in. No contractions, no nothing. They confirmed that my water did break so I was admitted. Contractions still wouldn't start on their own so they started pitocin around 9pm. THAT WAS HELL. I thought I could make it without an epidural. I probably could've if I wasn't induced. Things never quite go as planned, so I lasted about 4 hours before I asked for an epidural. Contractions were literally overlapping each other and I wasn't even halfway there yet. Getting the epidural was awesome. I was afraid of getting one at first because I was told it made it hard to figure out where to push because I wouldn't be able to feel anything anymore. Which would then lead to the slippery slope of a c-section. What really happened was it took the pain away but I could still tell when I was having contractions and when to push. It was great. Now that I know how awesome and not scary it was, I'll probably get one with my next kids regardless of induction or not. I took a few naps, threw up a couple times, wondered if the epidural was the reason I could barely stay awake (maybe, maybe not), and finally! Kari was born 6lbs 13oz, 19in, at 1:33pm. More than 24 hours after my water broke. It sucked, but totally worth it. She's 11 weeks old this week and the sweetest, most adorable baby EVER. (First pic newborn, second about 8 weeks old.)