Worried that I'm never going to feel normal again. 😞

Gillian • Lana Lily Park born on the 20th of August. 💜

I'm 3 weeks postpartum & ever since I had my daughter I haven't felt like myself.

I feel like I'm not aware of whats going on around me, my memory & head is all foggy & fuzzy, I can't even remember most of the things that have happened in the last 3 weeks.

I often feel weak, dizzy & faint. I find it really hard to concentrate & struggle to get my words out. I just constantly feel like I'm drunk or in a dream & I'm really worried that I'm never going to feel normal again.

I just want to feel like myself again so I can enjoy looking after my daughter instead of crying everyday cause I don't feel right.

Has anyone else felt like this? Am I ever going to feel normal again? 😞