😡 friend not a friend

So I'm sitting here thinking about everything that happened in the past two weeks so let me tell you in detail I was friends with this man for 4 years and about 6 months ago we started dating I wasn't ready but he was persistent and I enjoyed being with him he treated me like a lady very affectionate, loving and dependable when I say he opened my eyes to a lot of happy day we would see each other every day for 6 months straight he even went to my family reunion for 3 days and we had a ball and my family loves him. So when it started I asked him because his daughter mom would call him a million times a day. 3 x I asked him if he still wanted to be with her he said no I even gave him the option to go home and if it works than that's good if it didn't and I was still available we could pick up we're we left off at 3 x I ask gave him this option because I valued our friendship and he said no this is the same women who he went to jail for 5 days had to get his sister to bail him out and she was on her death bed she wound up passing away a month later bc he caught her in bed with another man. So fast forward as the time progress things didn't seem right he was drinking more like he had the wait of the world on him until one I call him and he don't answer his phone it went straight to voicemail that wasn't like him but something didn't seem right so my gf came to my house and we went up to his as we are driving I pray that god tell me what he doing 10 mins later he drives passed us and we pull him over he's in the car with his daughter mom all of us get out the car she ghetto as hell saying we getting married and we having more kids if I want I have my own house my own car I don't need him I'm like girl if don't need him why u call him 99x a day I'm like lil girl I don't need to broadcast what I have thats the difference between a girl and a woman and he standing there looking stupid I ask him he needs to choose he than looks at his daughter bc she is in the backseat looks at me look at his daughter again looks at me never look at his daughter mom and say I'm a try and work things out with her my heart dropped bc I asked him before feeling got deep. Than go realize he was sleeping with both us at the same time. He would tell me 6 x a day he loved me all I could do is walk away bc he made his choice we drive alway and his mom calls I tells her what happen she ask me to come to her house she than states she suggested that he focus more on his children instead of dating even though she loved me that's when I realized he had 7 children I never knew that he told me he had 1 I was his friend and he lied to me when his mom found out she called him and guess what he changed his number that quick I'm like wtf . I'm hurt I miss my friend more than anything else. But I know we can never be friends. And to top it off my son loved him . I'm so disappointed 😔. I know life goes on but I truly miss my friend more than anything.