Another night, another fight

So my husband and I have had our share of problems. (He was beening unfaithful) Long story short. Two days ago he said he was going to take me somewhere on the 30th of this month. I was excited, we never go anywhere. Fast forward to today, I jokingly asked where you taking me? He responded with, should I tell you, I kinda want to tell you I think you might not like it. No I'm not going to tell you. I said tell me. He told me. Circus of Sin. A carabet. I don't want to go as soon as I saw that. I looked into it, it seemed familiar. My bf has an ex girlfriend who works in a carabet. My gut is telling me this is the one. It sounds familiar. We have had issues before that include other women. I'm so upset. He had just fallen asleep. I can't wait, I'm too upset. I'm paranoid, afraid and so many other mixed emotions. I wake him up and calmy ask him if this is the carabet Amber works in. He gets pissed off right away. He curses at me and tells me I try so hard to fight all of the time. Not true, I just want answers. My paranoia is out of the roof. I said sorry for making you upset, but this name sounds familiar and I looked it up and it looked familiar. And I remembered she works at one. I just want an answer. He cursed at me again. Said I don't appreciate shit (not true) and that he isn't going to take me. I said I didn't want to go either way. I honestly don't want to see a bunch of thin girls dancing half naked. We just had a convo about porn and stopping it and now he wants to take me somewhere where live girls dance. I honestly think its all for him to get his fetishes satisfied. I don't think he was doing it for me like he said. He even admitted to me probably not liking it. Also he supposedly knows the owner and he doesn't need to get tickets. I assumed he must've of seen it somewhere for him to remember I asked him and he got mad right away. We share facebook and phone and I never saw anything in our search. I asked when he spoke to this person and got upset again. So now I'm thinking he's been using his old facebook while he's working and possibly has a phone I don't know of. He's been home late this week which never happens. I have terrible trust issues with him and it's all his fault. I grabbed the kids and went to my room and left him in the living room. I honestly think this is the one she works for. But it might just be my paranoia. Idk, I'm all sad now. He might be talking to other people behind my back like before. What do you guys think.. I'm sad and afraid