5days late! Still no af


I’m now 5 days late! I took test yesterday at 4:30pm I could not wait it was dollar general test and I took first response this morning after church at 11am I know it was not first morning urine both are negative.

This was taken this morning at 11am I know not first morning urine! I took it after church that’s why so late I took it. I must have line blur because I thought i saw vvvvfl wishful thinking!

This is invert from the top wishful thinking that I have vvvvvvvfl

This was taken yesterday I took this test at 4:30 but inverted the photo I took of the org pic from 4:30 I though I saw vvvvfl here in this photo too I guess I have line blur and wishful thinking.

I’m going to wait another few days then test again if I don’t get my period