Odd Ovulation?

Hi, this is my first time using the app for anything other then tracking, but I thought I would try and branch out. My husband and I are TTC, but it's not been going so well. I was on birth control for many years, and I thought it might be because of that, but it's been a long time being off. I feel my body is back to a normal cycle and the periods are regular. I always have the cm at the right time to believe my ovulation is correct. Yet, this time, the day of my supposed ovulation, and the three days since, I've not had any at all, which never happens. Could this mean that I didn't ovulate, or that maybe our, activities the days before made a difference? Guess I just don't have much of a place to ask this type of stuff. Please be kind, I know I might sound stupid, but I really just don't know anything.