Rainbow Baby 🌈

Maggie • My husband and I had been TTC # 2 since September 2014, baby number 2 was lost on Mother's Day 2017. Our rainbow baby will be here April 27th. 🖤 We have a 6 year old little girl and a little boy on the way.

So we have been TTC for 3 years. We lost #2 on mother's day. We now have our rainbow baby. The doctor isn't sure it's going to hold, but symptoms are starting to kick in harder than it did with the one we lost (which barely had any symptoms).

I'm extremely neaseaus anytime I eat and easily motion sick. It sucks but the extreme symptoms are giving me hope.

I'm really hoping the symptoms means my body will keep this little one 💜

Does anyone else have a successful rainbow baby story they'd like to share?