
Have any of you ladies struggled with depression before??? I first started dealing with depression at age 11. I was bullied both verbally and physically my whole childhood up into my teens. I believe it has left a deep wound on my heart and I've dealt with depression ever since. Every time I try talking to someone about it they tell me it's not real and that I shouldn't be depressed. That makes me feel worse because I feel like they're belittling the situation. I just want someone who will emphasize with me. I pray daily and read the Word and for the most part I find my peace and comfort in God's presence but there are days where I'm so depressed about many things and I do my best to not wallow in it because I know that doesn't help any. It's just something I've struggled with for years and I just feel like I don't have anyone to relate too. Please keep me in your prayers as not only do I struggle with emotions but also health issues and I'm just getting weary of it all. I just want to be normal and feel like my old self again.