
One time I was rehearsing a scene for school with a boy, and the scene has a lot of romantic chemistry and sexual tension in it. At the end of the scene our characters kiss. One time we were rehearsing at his house, and every time it would get to the kiss, we'd get like really into it and it'd last for a lot longer than normal. Like I was sitting against the couch once and he kinda rolled on top of me for the kiss, it was so hot. The best one was when we were rehearsing the scene sitting on the floor face to face. It was towards the end of the rehearsal, so a lot of sexual tension had been building up between us. When it got to the kiss, I got up and sat on his lap, straddling him, and we kinda grinded and made out for a while. I could feel his boner under me and when it was rubbing against me, it felt so good. Also, we do this thing called movement to music where we sort of dance to music (but not really dancing) but it's just to kind of explore physicality and movement as our characters. At his house while we were doing movement, he grabbed my thighs and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. My arms were around his neck and my tits were basically in his face. He spun my around the room a little, and we never broke eye contact. Finally, he slowly slid me down his body and back onto the floor, still never breaking eye contact. Also during movement once, we were on the ground and he got on all fours and came over to me, making me go backwards, so I was sitting on the ground and slowly lowering my back to the ground as he was above me coming in closer to me. Now I was lying down on the ground and he was fully on top of me. He looked at me and wrapped his fingers between mine and moved my hands above my head. Then (while still holding one hand above my head), he traced one hand fully down my side, along the side of my breast down to my waist. While doing this, he lowered his head down to me and had his face near in neck. I could feel his breath on my skin and his lips lightly brushed my neck. I think about that day a lot😍