Can I be pregnant??

On the 5th of this month I got what I believe to be my period and everything went pretty normal except the first 2 days were pretty heavy then the last 2 -3 days was just on and off bleeding which has never happened, a week after that I kept having cramps and kept feeling like I was going to get my period again which has never happened to me before I only get PMS the first 3 days of my period... that feeling that I’m going to get my period keep on coming and going and idk what it is, my period isn’t due for another 2 weeks so I know I can’t take a pregnancy test and also I don’t think I can be pregnant if I got my period so should I be worried it could be something dangerous?? Has anyone gone through something similar ? Share your stories please!!....... I also forgot to mention that about a week ago I had morning sex with my husband and right after I started having very light and soft cramps which caught me off guard because nothing like that has ever happened to me after sex .