Fibromyalgia and!


Hi girls,

So I'm 5w 4d pg and the symptoms are really starting to get to me now.

I seem to be super psychotic to the point where anything will set me off, if I hear someone getting a bit moody or irritated my heart rate goes through the roof and I feel so panicky!

Not to mention the insomnia, I feel so exhausted which is something I'm used to anyway with my condition but I'm struggling a lot more, my body is also very achy... probably due to the fact my body's completely changing and I'm not getting a great sleep.

So I was wondering if any of you girls have had any experiences with pregnancy and fibromyalgia and how you coped?

Were you prescribed any medications, any alternative therapies which worked for you?

Any coping strategies for your condition that helped with sleep and chronic pain?
