Questioning my relationship.

Well I moved in with my boyfriend, and it's like I can't feel the "magic" anymore. I honestly feel like I am drowning while I'm there and he's there. We live with his parents as of now and he is in no rush to get out of there, he never cleans up after himself, I work 45-50 hours a week in a hot ass machine shop and have to go behind a grown man to put his clothes in the hamper, to take out the bathroom trash, to pick up his dishes. It's just getting old honestly. And he gave me chlamydia when we first had sex. Well I got treated. He didn't go get treated so then I got it again!! Then he gets mad because I don't want to have sex anymore, sorry I don't want an STD again. I can't trust a word that comes out of his mouth, I have severe anxiety and depression so I isolate myself from people fairly often but he doesn't understand why I just want to be alone sometimes. I don't ever even feel like I'm in a relationship. I don't know how much more I can take. I want to care and love him but I just don't think I can keep forcing myself to stay with him just because I WANT to love someone. I make good money, I have a brand new car at 18 years old and I can support myself with the kind of money I make.

Also sorry if you read all this for no reason, like i said, I isolate myself often so I don't have many friends anymore.