Do you consider a college lecturer to be a professor?

Liz • Wife. Mom. Baby #2 due Jan 2021.

My friend is a radiology tech. She worked in a hospital Cath lab for a few years after graduating, but has recently taken a position "teaching".

She has not, to my knowledge, had any formal education in Teaching/Education. As someone who studied Secondary Ed, this makes me consider her a "lecturer" - not a teacher and definitely not a Professor.

Last night, we were in a group chat and she referred to herself as a Professor. A professor?! When I called her on it, she was very defensive. She said she has two classes, assists in another and an x-ray clinic. She even went into detail about how she "helps students with their every day at UC and with their schedules". 🤦🏻‍♀️

I went to a private college and every instructor there was required to have a Doctorate. So, we referred to everyone as Dr. or Professor...which makes me think she IS NOT a Professor.

Am I being too judgmental or am I right?

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