Single and pregnant


I never thought this would be me. But after everything you have done to me, I have to find better. I have to be better. I have to make better choices for not only me but our three kids since you chose not to. It's time for mama to love herself a little more. So no more of your name calling, no more of your insults and blame, no more of your entitled and abusive ways, no more walking on eggshells trying to avoid upsetting you, no more avoiding the hard talks and no more loving you more than I love myself!!!!!!!!! I will no longer put up with your narcissistic bullshit! And you can say nobody will love or give a single mom of three a chance in hell but you are WRONG! The difference is, I'm not searching for a soul but my own! If love finds me along the way, I will not put up my wall because of the shit you put me through, I will not be bitter. You can take your shit talking and shove it up your ass cause I'm not hearing it anymore!!!

Rant over

(Just so y'all can get a small taste of what I've been through, I've attached some images.)

Ladies, he isn't going to change! Don't waste your life your years or your sanity on a man who doesn't value you or appreciate you as you should be. You

☝🏼 I sat silently on the bed as he called me all sorts of fat cunts and a bitch and bla bla but when I said something back to him (for the first time) I deserved to be strangled, beat with his fist and shoe and left in the bathroom crying by myself.

If you are wondering why we fought, it's cause I asked what he was doing since I woke up at 4am and he was not in the bed or in the house.

☝🏼 this was after I left him for cheating on me and getting another girl pregnant and having to find out on my own AFTER the baby was born (told him I couldn't trust him and we would never work)

☝🏼 bashed the windshield on my car cause I was leaving.

☝🏼 he bit me!


Gosh I could post a million pics.. but I'm not..


Seriously, don't wait as long as I did. Get out while you still have your sanity!!!

And ladies.. if you have a good man.. appreciate him and cherish him!! They are so hard to come by.