Dog jealous over newborn


My husband and I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. We knew our dog was going to have a little trouble with it. We have other kids who are 8, 5, and 3 that he is great with and we've never had issues but they were already here before we got him. Trying to avoid this my husband brought home baby's blanket and hat from the hospital. The first week or so was great. He didn't really seem to notice, but she mainly slept the whole time. Now that she's awake more he has gotten out of hand. He isn't mean or anything but he is acting out. He runs away whenever I let him out. He gets food off the counter and out of the trash which he's never ever done before. He even ate an entire loaf of bread! He attacked the neighbors dog. I think they were just playing since he didn't bite but the neighbor sure wasn't happy about it. He has accidents in the house now and never did before. And last night he peed on our bed which was the last straw. I can't get him to behave. Oh and he also intentionally wakes up the baby whenever I get her to sleep. We blocked off around her bassinet because he was being so bad and he went as far as crawling under the bed to get to her just to wake her up. I'm at a loss and have no idea how to get him to behave. We obviously love him and don't want to get rid of him but how much is too much?! I asked the vet and all he said was it's jealousy and it'll go away but come on. It's been a month and he's getting worse, not better. We've taken special time out to spend with just him which we didn't do before since he'd just play with everyone as a family. We gave him an entire room to himself when we aren't home instead of just his crate which is what he had from the day we got him and that hasn't helped. Does anyone have any ideas so I can avoid getting rid of him. My husband was so mad when he peed on the bed last night I thought he was going to take him to the pound. I convinced him not to but I don't know how much more he's willing to deal with.