Marriage Rage is Dangerous


I have been married two years. Yay.

I have a constant ongoing predicament with my husband. We have lived together three years and he still does not understand that a dirty home gives me rage. Not only do I try to combat the disarray by washing dishes, doing laundry, taking out the trash, overall cleaning myself. He just does not give a flying fuck. I can do things for him up and down without making a mess. He can make me one fucking meal and the house is trashed. His clothes on the couch pjs on the floor all dishes dirty and shit all over the floor. When I try to help out nicely and politely ask him to finish dishes or just clean up he will half ass or straight ignore my request.

Their in igniting my Rage. Today I took out a bunch of dirty and clean dishes outside to the dumpster and SMASHED THEM ALL. Because clearly if it can be dirty for three days to a motherfucking week he does not need it. I also threw away shoes in the way clothes on the floor electronics. Yeah a clean sweep. After I calmly explained that I am tired of repeating myself and was clearly going to loose my shit.

He then proceeded to calm and keep my baby rocking him for a nap and then cry.

Not my intention to make him cry but "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it anymore not after three years of this shit.

Thoughts? Fears? Aggravations? Suggestions on how to help my situation?