Friends & ex bf issues


So I dated this guy for almost two years. We were great in the beginning, never really fighting, always having fun, just a genuine good time w each other. Then i started catching him in lies, and going behind my back talking to his ex’s & stuff. Then it got very controlling & id be lying if I said it didnt go both ways. We didn’t like when each other talked to ex’s but that’s normal for most people I would hope. We always let each other know where we were going and who was around. It got more serious for him tho, he started asking me to send him vids of my surroundings to prove I wasn’t cheating, started accusing me of cheating and just horrible things, I was miserable after awhile. I was emotionally, physically & mentally drained. I had lost my two best friends while in this relationship because he didn’t think they were at my best interest. Well after us finally breaking up, I got back with my friends and at first they were there for me, always listening when I needed to rant, always a shoulder to cry on. & you know, I was in that relationship for a long time, I invested all of myself into it & it was all I knew, so I talked about it a lot but once I saw they were getting annoyed about it, I shut up cause I don’t wanna put my problems on them. It’s been almost a year now since that relationship & there are times when i come across old messages, old accounts & old pictures and it hits a really deep place and it just hurts. Hurts my stomach, hurts my heart, everything. But I don’t feel like I can go to anyone about it because again, I don’t wanna be annoying. Whenever i bring anything up that has to do w him in anyway, my friends roll their eyes and they don’t wanna hear it. Should I just not ever bring it up again or? Cause rn I just kinda feel that emptiness again. W no one to go and that is noooot a good feeling. Any suggestion on what to do?