COPS whyyyy


Hubby and I were standing in the kitchen tonight when we got the spotlight on us from a cop car out front. We normally leave our door open but lock the screen. I saw him hit his brakes and shine the spotlight all over my house. I went outside and shut the door (my kids were in the living room). He comes flying up my sidewalk. He is looking for the dumbass (NICK) that use to live in our house. I tell him we have lived here since February. Nobody lives here with that name. He basically calls me a liar and says he saw him in my house and he matches the description . I tell him no, that's my husband and nobody is here with that name. He points in my kitchen at Hubby and says he needs to see his ID. I ask him for what??? He is not who you are assuming he is and tell him again that that person was evicted and has not lived here since January. He then yells for hubby to come outside and tells him he needs to see his ID. At this point i am pissed. This guy Nick is like 5'5 and 130 lbs. my husband is 6'1 and 225lbs. Also nick is a tweaker with dark hair and just fucking gross. My hubby is clean cut with a beard. THEY do not look anything alike. My husband comes out and shows his iD and the cops like sorry man, I thought you were Nick.

Now my husband thinks cops can do no wrong but WTF (no offense) I just can't stand cops, theyre fucking dicks in our area!!! Someone hit my husbands bug last year and the cop that came to do the report said he was going to kick my (8 POUD) dog across the yard! Fuck I want to live on an island ... sorry guys I just have horrible encounters with cops.