Is it a competition?

Ok so I have a best friend and our children are around the same ages... we have a set of 1st graders and I have a kindergartener. I feel as if she is trying to make me feel bad or if it’s like some competition to see home many activities our kids can be in (ex. Sports boys scouts things like that) my boys both play dek hockey and absolutely love it. But other than that they have no interest in other sports. They love art and music and get a lot of exposure to both at home I love painting and crafting just about anything and my husband loves music. But I feel like every time she signs her child up for something she throws it in my face that her child is so social and active. I’m not that parent that is going to force her child to do something they will hate, and everything she signs her child up for is during the school week our kids don’t get outa school til 4 if a activity starts at 6 (which most do) that’s way to much running around in my opinion for a child every day school til for flag football til 8 (when do u see ur child or when do they do homework enjoy a hot meal ?!) am I wrong to think that? Idk maybe I’m taking it the wrong way but I enjoy spending time with my kids I don’t want them out of the house until it’s time for them to go to sleep especially at the age of 6. What’s everyone else’s opinions?