nosey people, news of the year to some

(I'm going to start from the very beginning of it all) One of my "ex" best friends who we'll call frank and me, we were close and we talked alot but problems arises in our friendshop, there were days where he would ignore me for no reason and when I would ask him what was wrong he would refuse to open up to me and I respected his answers but soon he told me in June or July that he had feelings for me and I told him that I didn't feel same way, that I didn't want to risk anything ruining our friendship and so on; But the thing was in a way he would accept it but he would also get upset that he would put me down, make me feel so low and then try to manipulate me into going out him again. During time I was also having trouble with how I felt and I was on a Rollercoaster of emotions and I could get a grasp on them, so I told him the truth that I wasn't sure how I felt, that I didn't have control of how I felt at the moment (and yes it might sound rediculous but it's the truth) and he then followed with saying he didn't speak to for a while, that he need time away from me because I somehow made him feel like he wanted to kill himself, which doesn't make sense to me, but that's what he said. Some time passes and it's August and I was with one of my other friends who we'll call Jake and me and him were good friends and soon that friendly visits escalated into 'friendlier' visits as one would say, and me & Jake kept it low key but somehow it got around to the point where it reached frank to hear about it and he got furious with me and started acting like owed something because he was always the one there for me, by my side etc.. he acted like I used him, I threw him away like some old tool or something and he got mad because I did it with someone we knew, we were friends with, and that thus took place in the same timeline as when he admitted his feeling towards me; this all frustrates me because he has no right to be mad at me,see the thing is he also did the same thing I did WITH THREE OTHER DIFFERENT GIRLS, I never used him once, it didn't take place in the same timeline because that all happened in June or July this all happend in Late august, and he has no right to butt into my personal life and try to tell me what I can and can't do, he keeps telling people that I treated him like crap when I never did, not once and I have people to even back me up on that. See no he is also trying to 'get dirt' on me to expose me in some way so he can hurt see like I supposedly did to him when in reality he's the one that distanced himslef from me. I need some advice on what I can do because I'm tired of all these problems, I always hear about these things that actually involve me from other people and I'm just sick of it all. this isn't a situation where I can just sweep it under the rug and with time it'll be ok and resolve itself because I've tried that and it's gotten worse to the point where he's blaming things on me or trying to have an excuse to blame me for everything and I need to do something or say sombething because I don't know what I can do at this point I just don't know anymore, I love him, I miss him, I still want us to be friend but that can't happen if this is going on and there is just so much anger .