How to deal


I found out recently that my body is not creating enough hormones on their own. My doctor prescribed femara. I got a BFP... on my ovulation test. which was fantastic because I hadn't gotten one there before. I then started progesterone & I know i was an emotional person before, but it's so much more now. our friends, who have been married for 5 months, announced on Sunday they are 3 months pregnant. I lost it. I bawled my eyes out. Its just not freaking fair. they haven't even been trying & I have to work so hard for the one thing I want more than anything. When the duck is it going to be my turn? then yesterday a girl I used to work with announced she was pregnant & she didn't even want kids. Its not fair and I have no idea how to deal with this. please please share how you handle everyone else's good news. I feel so alone, I know I'm not, but I feel that way. it doesn't help that every freaking person I know is the fertilest mirtles there ever freaking was.....