

Okay so I babysit my two nieces one just turned 3 Tuesday and the youngest is 1 1/2. Just recently I went to my first concert and I had to babysit that day so out of respect I went and talked to my sister in law and see how she worked that day. Well apparently before I went to the concert I was called unreliable by my own sister in law so obviously I was angry that she would say that behind my back. Just tonight I was with my older sister shopping and she told my brother asked her when she’s gonna start giving her half of the money I get from watching them Monday- Friday. She completely flipped out on him saying how she needs to pay bills and he says well I need to pay a mortgage too. My own brother is afraid that I’m gonna stop watching them and find a real job and she had the nerve to say “she won’t get a real job”. Like idk what I did to deserve to get treated like crap from her and to top it off i have to deal with her tomorrow at my nieces birthday party😖