Does your mom ever make you feel bad about your weight?

I’m 19 and I have an older sister who’s really skinny, and I’m the fat one. I used to be skinny but fell into depression in high school and gained a lot of weight and my mom has been so mean to me. And for two months now, I’ve been working to be healthier and lose weight and so far I’ve lost 10 lbs. My mom is always calling me fat and saying I’m ugly now because I’m fat, and when it’s dinner and we all sit down, she usually comments about my weight. So I stopped eating with the family, and then she yelled at me for ‘starving’ (but I wasn’t starving don’t worry, just eating at different times). Like I don’t get how she makes fun of me at dinner and then gets mad when I don’t show up the next time.

And when we go shopping, she’s always buying sizes that are way too big for me (she once got me a XXL dress! and it’s too big!) because she thinks I’m 1000 lbs or something.. when in reality, I fit into a medium. My sister is an XS and wears tank tops and short shorts around in the summer but when I try to wear shorts, she tells me it’s disgusting and to wear longer pants. I honestly just feel so sad all the time.. I’m not a bad daughter and I never talk back to her but it hurts me a lot. I always cry at night.

It makes me sad I get the most hate but I’m the healthiest one in the family. I’m vegan, I don’t eat junk or sweets, I don’t eat processed foods and I only drink water and coconut water.

Thanks everyone for such kind words! ❤️ It made me feel a lot better.