Wedding from Hell

Katie • Rosie’s Mommy • PCOS • TTC Baby #2

I'm getting married in just over a month and I can honestly say planning this wedding has been the worst time of my life. I love my fiancé to the moon and back and if I had even a morsel of doubt I would have said fuck it to the entire thing due to the stress alone.

I wanted a small wedding, with just our immediate family (parents and siblings) and my fiancé Brent wanted a big wedding with a big party. So that is what we planned. I booked my venue in July of 2015, because it booked up so fast and I really wanted to get married at that venue. It closed for renovations in June of 2016 and has not be able to open since, regardless of the owners stringing me along and telling me there is *NO* way it won't be open in time for my wedding. Any normal person would just say whatever I'll find another venue, but my caterer won't let me leave as she says they'll be open (she knows nothing).

She won't give me any money back and we've already paid her thousands of dollars. The lady who was supposed to make our cake, just backed out this morning as she has a family emergency and has to go to Italy. My fiancés family are little all pieces of shit.

His sister is addicted to meth and has told us she doesn't support the wedding or the relationship (we have no idea why) but is still desperate to come to the wedding. (Fuck that!) I don't want her there. His mother is doing everything in her power to add as much stress as possible. I hired and paid a makeup artist over a year ago to do her makeup the morning of the wedding and now she doesn't want that person. My fiancés brother who was supposed to be our best man, is too mentally unstable to be counted on. He's now telling us he's not coming. There has just been way too much time and money invested in this fucking wedding to back out now, but oh my god I wish I eloped.

Also I always feel like after I tell people about Brent's family, I have to assure them that we're normal people. Like how can someone's entire family be soo off the rails, yet he is such a good person.