Ferber method...

Abby • 33 years old. Married to Eric. Mom to 2 boys that are 3 years old and one year old!

Well ladies it breaks my heart to say I did this tonight. My son is 5 weeks. I put him in his bed (rock and play due to acid reflux with a sleep sack just bought by the hubby tonight) after bath , pjs, being fed and changed, and book read. He scream and cried. I walked out of the room and set a timer for five minutes. I went back in when the timer went off gave him paci and walker back out. Did not pick him up! Let him cry a couple more min walked back in gave paci and held it there for about 15 sec. walked out and when I came back in he was sound asleep! Can anyone give me some credit for this because it’s hard but it needed to be done!