So my son is 9 months (10 months on the 20th) I am having some major issues figuring out a schedule that works for us. I'm a single mom with little to no help, even the times that I do have help my time is limited as my son won't take a bottle or anything. I work and the shifts are smack dab on the borderline of wake/bedtime - they are 6:30-10 am and 4:30-8pm

i often get done in 2-2.5 hrs but regardless I'm either waking him up early or putting him down late, or both like tonight where I worked the night shift and work again in the morning. I don't know wtf to do. Now my ped also suggested adding two more meals of solids for him per day so now I need to figure out how to work those in as he was already on three meals and I struggled to make those happen in a timely manner. I feel like a failure as a mom. He is EBF, what are your suggestions for a schedule? I've always loosely followed a schedule but kind of followed baby's lead but I think it's time to get ore disciplined for me to better make sure I'm meeting all his needs. Currently our schedule feels like a cluster fuck lol before I started picking up regular shifts we had a pretty solid schedule of

7am wake/nurse

8am solid breakfast

10am nurse-nap

12/1 wake

1pm nurse

2pm "lunch" solids

3pm short nap

4pm nurse

5pm dinner solids

7pm nurse to sleep.

He would typically wake around 4 am to nurse.

Now he is BARELY taking a morning nap and refusing the afternoon nap and NOT sleeping well at all. He's waking 3-4 times in the night which is absurd at this age! I don't know what to do, most nights I bringhim intl bed wth me but that makes me nervous because he often won't settle and I'm exhausted so I feel like he's going to fall off the bed. I'd hate to sleep train at this point but it may need to happen.. any advice is appreciated, I'm a FTM and doing my best to be the happy medium WAHM / working with babe tagging along (the hours posted are physical hours I have to be at work and can't be home) mom. Succeeding at failing.

-the exhausted mom.