Baby won't sleep at 5 months old

My baby is on baby rice. He won't sleep through and won't self soothe.

I am really struggling he hasn't slept through or easily gone back to sleep since he was 3 months old.

He always has colic and I'm just so sleepy and stressed out and tired.

I'm doing everything; and my partner is on nights so I do everything myself. Night feeds, wake up in the morning, do everything during the day.

He has a routine and falls easily asleep on a night. I've been putting him to bed later just to see if that helps with him sleeping more. It really doesn't help.

I am so upset and cry on a night I really need some help as he won't settle for me at all. But when my mum or his mum has him apparently he sleeps through.. we are doing exactly the same things as well.

Please someone give me some advice I'm loosing my mind.