Math class


Ugh I feel like such a damn idiot! I’m in school at the community college, and I’m in a math called Math 90, it’s a step up from basic math. So I’m basically in algebra class! Mannnnn, I’ve been going and taking advantage of the tutoring they have here along with using my book every night and practicing problems, and along with using the website they gave me to help. I literally CANNOT comprehend this math. I start to understand it during the teachers lesson and when I’m getting help then BAM, the quizzes are hard as heck! Way harder than the lesson and the tutoring. Maybe they’re supposed to be?! Idk. I just needed to vent. Why do I even need this math for an associates degree in Early Childhood Education? My GPA has been amazing, and now this math is going to screw it up 🙄 I’ve been trying to work so hard to get this degree! 😩😩😩😩😒