I hate people some days...


So I'm out with my two girls, ages 1 & 2, doing errands and whatnot.

There's this female in line for the pharmacy in front of us, on her phone, cussing and swearing up a storm. I'm ok with that, just not in front of children. A lady in front of her was trying to give her a look to get her to shut up, but it was greeted by a middle finger.

So I, in my nicest Mommy voice, say loudly, "If you're going to use potty language like that, you should excuse yourself to the bathroom. Not everyone wants to hear that."

This creature rounds on me and screeches at me to shut the hell up, and calls me a fat, ugly bitch. It's so loud and high pitched that it wakes up my 1 year old, who starts freaking out (understandably). A manager comes up and tells the banshee to leave the premises or she's calling security.

As I said before, I'm ok with foul language and use it myself on occasion (usually under my breath). But if others around me are uncomfortable with it, especially when children are involved, it's only polite to curb it, in my (not so) humble opinion.

ALSO, I know I'm not a 10 by any means, but FUCK YOU, BITCH, I've had two kids and work AND go to school! I don't have time to primp and make myself up every morning, because I'm too busy trying to be a good parent and a decent human being!

(Ignore the fact that I seem to have resting bitch face.)