Ended ungodly relationship but my heart is broken

Hi all,

I am a Protestant. My ex (of 2 days) is a Catholic. Despite our faiths, our relationship was one of sin. This tore me up because how can I confess to love God with my lips but to do the opposite with my actions? Despite this, I loved my ex. He is my first boyfriend (I'm 22 and he's 26). We are long distance, I am doing my PhD and I'm just so busy all the time, my family doesn't approve of him, and I felt called to end the relationship pretty soon after it started (together for 8 months).

Finally, during a sermon on Sunday, the pastor talked about how God will not bring us where we need to be if we're not doing the actions he wants us to do. So after some prayer and talking with friends, I ended it over video chat. I cried and sobbed and he did too. He started the chat off with scripture, but that wasn't enough for me to turn back on what God had asked me to do.

My heart is so broken: for my disobedience towards God in this relationship, but also because I loved this man so much. I just need some scripture or YouTube sermons or music to calm my heart. I know that breaking up with him was the right thing to do and according to Gods will, but I'm so sad. I'm so so sad and heartbroken.