I feel lonely....


So major things has happened in my life within 5 months. My spouse and I split. There was so much going on in his life which made him take his frustration out on me. He started making me feel like I was nothing and he was ready for me to leave. He father was dieing of cancer, he was providing for our household and his parents and his daddy only trusted him with information that he didn't want. the family to know. During all tha I tried to be there for him. But it seemed the harder I tried the more irratated he got to the point he just wanted me to leave. That's 2 months before I left. So I packed up and went to stay at a family members house. While out my ex hit me up and started to fill that void. He wasn't a bad ex. We were together when I was 15. He left to keep from getting in trouble and moved out of state with his family. We lost contact. 10 years later he found me on Facebook and told me he lives closer to me now. He told me that he has been looking for me the whole 10 years. Alot can change in that amount of time. I leaned to him for comfort and ended up being with him. Well everything was good. I moved in and he treated me like a queen. 2 months past and he started to get sneaky on his phone. Long story short I found out that he have women problems. A woman wrote me on Facebook weeks later and told me she had slept with him when I went on vacation with my girl friends. She sent me screen shots of the messages. I was hurt. talked to him and forgave him. Should've left then. Tried to give him a benefit of a doubt. He did good for a few weeks and he went right back to his problem. So I leave and is now staying with my cousin. Every day I wished my first relationship wouldn't have went the way it did. He was wonderful but pushed me out because he was dealing with so much. Now it's like he don't don't want to deal with me. I beat myself up so bad about getting back with my ex and not just staying with family til my souse got over his hurt. Now I'm looking dumb and hurt. This is my fault. What do I do from here? I feel so lonely and empty inside... 😢