This is Too Much!!!

Tara • 💍 since 12/13/14 👫• TTC #1 since 9/30/15 • 🙏👣🍼🚼


DH and I have been TTC for two years now with no luck just yet. AF was supposed to arrive a week ago (9/28). On 9/25 & 9/26, I had what I would call heavy spotting -- a good amount of blood when I wipe, but not enough to reach the pad. At the end of each of those days the bleeding had subsided. I think it only went into a second day because hubs & I had sex on the night of the 25th. By the afternoon on the 26th, there was no more bleeding. I haven't had any bleeding or even spotting since then, even after sex. I've had all of my normal PMS symptoms, but here we are a week after AF was due & still nothing. Went to my doc's office on Monday (10/2) for a blood pregnancy test & it was negative. My cycles have always been regular (period every 25 days, give or take a day or two), & my periods were always 5-6 days long until had surgery in July to remove cysts & endometriosis. Since the surgery, my periods have lasted 3.5 to 4 days. Would it be safe to assume that those 2 days were my period for the month? I'm thinking that since I started my first round of Clomid at the beginning of September (100mg) & also had the HCG trigger shot, then that's what's throwing my cycle off. I don't have any other explanation for it. What do you guys think?