Can’t believe it

Okay, so my SO and I broke up last week because he thought it was more important to take some “friend” to work rather than run me to the ER real quick because I was having abdominal pain and shortness of breath. He started talking to me again this week saying that he still loved me and everything and said that he would go with me to my midwife appointment because it was a first appointment and I was switching from an OB.

Anyway, Day comes and he takes of with his “friend” just minutes before the cab shows up and my mom sees him come back just minutes after I leave (his excuse to me was that he had an interview).

I confronted him today about a boat load of shit and he threatens me, says the baby I’m carrying isn’t his, calls CPS on me, AND has his ex girlfriend who is also pregnant threaten me and my unborn child (she also said that he was cheating on me with her)! I’m just so through. Like, WTF? The only good thing is that I’m getting restraining orders against both of them.

UPDATE: I got an injunction of harassment against his ex, but the judge wouldn’t give me a restraining order against him. So pissed 😡😡