Birth Story


Finally got to meet our little girl at 40 weeks and 4 days.

On October 3, 2017 we went in to the hospital at 8pm to be induced. At 9pm they started the pill to further dilate me because I was 2CM and needed to be 3CM to start the pitocin. At 2am (Oct 4,2017) they were finally able to start the pitocin. Everything was going great and my water broke all on its own. After my water broke I started having sciatic nerve pain and contractions so even though I didn't want to have an epidural I broke down and got one around 12pm. We spent all day seeing family and around 5pm I started having complications. When I got the epidural for the second round because it was wore off, my little girls heart rate started dipping and into the 90s instead of the 140s. Finally it stabled it out with me taking oxygen and laying on my left side. A little while later I decided, which I regret terribly now, to get the epidural again. Around this time I'm at about 7CM. Everything was going smoothly they had me keep oxygen going just in case and finally it was time to push. I pushed and pushed and we couldn't get her to budge. My doctor said she isn't fitting so she must be a pretty big baby and her heart rate started dropping every time I would push and her head was already stuck in a cone shape. After one more set of pushes my doctor finally decided that an emergency C-section was going to have to happen. I was terrified but with no more epidural, dropping heart rate, and scared that my little baby was suffering I was 100% okay. They quickly prepped me and put me under. At exactly 12:30am October 5, 2017 my little Lucille Leia Rey made her arrival at Exactly 7 Pounds and exactly 20 Inches long. she is perfect in every single way. As much as my birth plan went out the window I am beyond happy with my end result of this beautiful baby girl. I can't stop staring at her.

When she first came out she was only using her lungs at 60% but after abou t 10 minutes she was perfect and ha been doing absolutely wonderful since. She is very alert and sleeps very well. She is having a little trouble latching but she is getting there. ❤❤ And her daddy is absolutely head over heels in love with this little girl.