tenant bossed the cleaner around 😠

AMR • on a weight gaining and yoga journey... one day we will be a family of four 🙏🌈

I am a landlord and I hired a young woman to clean an empty apt as someone is moving in today. well, the tenant next to the apt she was cleaning came out and had her clean things I had not hired her to clean. every Friday I sweep and dust and vacuum the small hallway that leads to their apts. this tenant knows that, she has lived here for years. she also knows to just text me if she needs something. the woman cleaned on thursday. and did extra work because she didn't feel like she could refuse the tenant, so now I owe her more than we had originally discussed. I'm not mad at the young woman, she probably thought it would make me look bad if she refused. but I'm mad at the tenant. I don't want to be rude but how should I address her w this?