Atelophobia-fear of not being good enough. My life in one word.

Stephenie • Married for 4 1/2 years. DH and I are both 25 years old.

As a wife;

-I don't keep the house clean, it's not "hoarders" bad but it's not near OCD perfect.

-I don't cook very well, frozen or in a box I can do. Recipe books are hard for me.

-I never feel sexy enough for sex.

-I always have a rotten attitude.

As a employee;

-I have good intentions but never fulfill them.

-Always behind.

As an individual;

-I have too much credit card debit.

As a soon to be mom;

-I'm out of shape.

-I don't ever eat healthy.

-I can't seem to ever have enough paycheck left to buy baby stuff.

-I am always stressed, worried or depressed, none are good for me or baby.

Instead of cleaning I type this because I'm paralyzed by sadness. No one understands how I'm feeling.

Never good enough Wife, Employee, Individual, Mom-to-Be.. and the list is never ending.